
1. Espresso Pot (Circa 1910)
2. Footed Sauce Boat (Circa 1900 - English)
3. Covered Plate Warmer (pre-1890 - American)
4. Round Flower Pot (Circa 1900 - English)
5. Syrup Pitcher (Circa 1860 - American)
6. Coffee Pot (Circa 1860 - American)
7. Water Jug (Circa 1850 - Danish)
8. Sugar Bowl (Circa 1860 - American)
9. Tea Pot (Circa 1860 - American)
10. Large Jug (Circa 1920 - Hand Made - Turkish)
11. Planter (Circa 1880 - Danish)
12. 3 Piece Coffee Set & Tray (Circa 1920 - American)
13. Candlestick (Circa 1940 - American)
14. Pudding Mold (Circa 1880 - English)
15. Chafing Dish (Circa 1910 - American)
16. Coal Scuttle (New - English)
17. Bucket (Circa 1930 - American)
18. Flat Colander (Circa 1930 - American)
19. Small Fish Molds (New - Hand Made - American)
20. Heart Mold (Circa 1920 - American)
21. Round Jug Mold (Circa 1910 - English)
22. Utensils Set (Circa 1930 - American)
23. Water Jug (Circa 1930 - American)
24. Tea Kettle (Circa 1920 - English)
25. 1 Egg Timer (Circa 1930 - American)
26. Coffee Pot (Circa 1920 - American)
27. Spittoon (Circa 1860 - American)
28. Coal Scuttle (Circa 1890 - English)
29. Tobacco Jar (Circa 1890 - English)
30. Butter Warmer (Circa 1940 - American)
31. Large Water Kettle (Circa 1900 - American)
32. 3 Piece Tea Set (Circa 1920 - American)
33. Round Pan (Circa 1910 - American)
34. Tea Kettle (Circa 1930 - English)
35. Tea Kettle (Circa - American)
36. Large Solid Copper Ladle (Circa 1880 - American)
37. Tea Samovar (Circa 1860 - English)
38. Art Deco Coffee Set (Circa 1930 - Swiss)
39. Condiment Dish (Circa 1880 - American)
40. Etched Water Jug (Circa 1880 - American)
41. Drinking Mug (Circa 1880 - Danish)
42. Round Hunting Horn (Circa 1860 - English)
43. Delft Handled Pot (Circa 1880 - Danish)
44. Small Coffee Samovar (Circa 1906 - American)
45. Large Pewter & Copper Tea Pot (Circa 1860 - American)
46. Small Solid Copper Spittoon (Circa 1900 - American)
47. Solid Copper Hand Made Mug (Circa 1900 - Pakistan)
48. Copper & Pewter Syrup Pitcher (Circa 1880 - American)
49. Oval Covered Box (Circa 1930 - Tin Lined - United Arab Republic)
50. Etched, Tin Lined Octagonal Covered Box (Circa 1900 -Iran)
51. Coffee Samovar (Circa 1880 - American)
52. Tea Samovar (Circa 1860 - English)
53. Hand Made Solid Copper Bowl (Circa 1900)
54. Large Copper And Brass Hand Made Coal Scuttle Circa 1900 - American)
55. Large Copper And Brass Water Tank (Circa 1880 - American)
56. Large, Solid Copper, Etched, Hand Made Bowl (Circa 1900)
57. Large Hand Made Jug (Circa 1900 - Pakistan)
58. Copper & Brass Embossed Kettle (Circa 1880)
59. Candle Snuffer (Circa 1940 - American)
60. 3 Miniatures: Mug, Tapered Pitcher (English) & Ringed Pitcher
(Dutch) (All Circa 1900)
61. Long Kitchen Mold (Circa 1900 - English)
62. Long Handled Hand Made Skimmer (Circa 1860 - American)
63. Pewter And Copper Tankard And Mug Set With 6 Glass Bottom Mugs And Pewter & Copper Tray (Circa 1900 - American)
64. Victorian copper and pewter large tea pot (Circa 1860 American)
65. Victorian medium size copper and pewter tea pot (Circa 1860, American)
66. Copper and pewter footed butter warmer (Circa 1920, Yugoslavian )
67. Victorian copper measure with brass handle (Circa pre-1890)
68. Double handled copper carved vase (Circa post 1890, Egyptian)
69. Victorian copper and brass cream pitcher (Circa 1860)
70. Tin lined 1 gal copper pitcher (Circa mid-18002, American)
71. Tin lined hand hammered colonial chocolate warmer (Circa late 1700s American)
72. Victorian copper, brass and pewter pitcher (Circa 1860s American)
73. Tin lined copper planter (Circa 1920s United Arab Republic)
74. Early electric coffee samovar, marked Joseph Henricks Co. of London & Paris (Circa 1907)
75. Victorian copper and pewter tea pot (Circa 1860s American)
76. Copper and brass oriental design coffee pot (Circa pre-1890 Origin unknown)
77. Tin lined heavy large hand made water jug (Circa pre-1890)
78. Copper fire starter (Circa 1900 England)
79. Victorian hand made solid copper mug signed by coppersmith (Circa 1860s)
80. Victorian tin lined large colander basin (Circa mid 1800s)
81. Victorian tin lined medium colander basin (Circa mid 1800s)
82. Medium Victorian tin lined heavy jelly mold (Circa mid 1800s England)
83. Small Victorian tin lined heavy copper spouted jelly mold (Circa mid 1800s England)
84. Copper and brass tin lined fish baking pan mold (Circa 1900)
85. Solid copper hand made mug measure (circa 1920s)
86. Copper and brass tin lined mug with Mexican sum emblem Art Nouveau (Circa pre 1890)
87. Copper and glass espresso coffee maker (Circa 1920s)
88. Copper and iron hand made chocolate pot (Circa 1850 American)
89. Copper bowl with heavy hand carved ornamentation (Circa pre 1890)
90. Long handled hand made iron and copper water dipper and measure (Circa pre-1890)
91. Small hand made copper tin lined liquid measure (circa pre 1890)
92. Small hand made copper and brass scoop (Circa pre 1890)
93. Miniature copper watering can marked Lelador (Circa 1900 Portugal)
94. 2 piece miniature copper and brass coffee pot and pitcher (Circa 1030s Japan)
95. 3 piece set of solid copper miniature vases (Circa 1900 China)
96. Victoria miniature copper loving cup (Circa mid-1800s)
97. Victorian miniature set of copper doll house kitchen utensils Circa mid-1800s)
98. Hand made Victorian solid copper spittoon (Circa mid-1800s)
99. Long handled Victorian tin lined ebleskiver pan with forged
copper handle (Circa late 1800s)
100. Large ebleskiver pan with brass handles (Circa mid-1800s)
101. Solid copper handmade stewing kettle with forged copper handle Circa 1800s - American)
102. Copper washed hand made plate (Circa mid-1800s)
103. Gallon hand made measure, tin lined (Circa early 1800s)
104. Brass and copper syrup pitcher (Circa early 1900s, England)
105. Solid copper syrup pitcher with carving (Circa late 1800s, middle east)
106. Pair of miniature tin lined jelly molds (Circa early 1900s)
107. Miniature hunting horn (Circa early 1900s)
108. Tin lined jelly mold (early 1900s, US)
109. Copper and brass footed coal scuttle with lid (Circa mid 1920s, US)
110. Middle Eastern Copper and Brass Coffee Pot with Brass Filigree Ornament (Circa late 1800s)
111. 5 Piece Miniature Cake Mold Set, Solid Copper, American,
112. Individual Jelly Mold, Tin Lines Marked Rein Kopfer, Germany (Circa 1980s)
113. Small Skillet, Tin Lined With Iron Handle, American Circa Late 1800s)
114. Skimmer, Solid Copper Skimmer With Forged Iron Handle Painted Black, American (Circa Mid 1800s)
115. Sausage Stuffer, Copper And Cast Iron, American Circa Late 1800s)
116. Tobacco Humidor, Copper And Wood Base, Commemorating
The Bell For The Clock At The House Of Parliament, (Circa 1858)
117. Bucket, Tin Lined With Forged Iron Handle, 8 Inches
High By 8 Inches Diameter, American (Circa Mid 1800s)
118. 4 Sided Copper Vase, 6 Inches Tall, Heavily Carved Ornate Oriental Musician And Garden Scenes, Tin Lined,
(Circa Late 1800s)
119. Repousse Vase, Hand Wrought, Embossed With Colonial Tavern Scenes, American (Circa Early 1800s)
120. Math Or Toothpick Holder, Solid Copper, Victorian, Ornate With Cherub
121. Chalice, Solid Copper, Hand Wrought And Carved, 8 Inches High With Scenes Of Mountains, Trees And
Birds In Flight, Circa Late 1800s)
122. Egg Warmer, 4 Piece, Solid Copper With Tin Inserts, With 2 Egg Dishes And Holder, Hallmarked, England,
(Circa Late 1800s)
123. Coffee Urn, Drip Type, Wood Handles And Pour Spout, (Circa Early 1900s)
124. Art Deco Coffee Urn. Copper And Pewter Handles And Feet, Electric, Marked Universal Mfg By Landers,
Frary And Clark Britain CT, 11 Inches High (Circa 1920s)
125. Coffee Samovar, Brass Base, Spout And Handles, Marked Istanbul, 16 Inches High (Circa 1890s)
126. Pitcher, Solid Copper, Handed Forged, Unlined, England, (Circa Late 1700s)
127. Coffee Pot, Copper And Brass, Marked Morocco, Hand Forged And Tooled And Decorated, (Early 1900s)
128. Oil Lamp, Hand Forged, Colonial, (Circa Late 1700s)
129. Footed Pot, Hand Forged, Tin Lined With Iron Handle And Hanger, (Circa Late 1800s)
130. Ebelskiver Pan with Brass Handles, Tin Lined, 7 inches in Diameter, American, (Circa Late 1800s)
131. Baking Pan, Tin Lined With Brass Handles, 6 Inches
in diameter, American, (circa late 1800s)
132. Hunting Plate Depicts Lions Hunting Deer, 11 Inches
in Diameter, (Circa Early 1900s)
133. Victorian Jelly Mold, Bunch of Grapes, Tin Lined, (Circa Late 1800s)
134. Victorian Heavy Copper Tube Mold, Tin Lined, 10 ½ Inches In Diameter, Germany, (Circa Late 1800s)
135. Miniature Copper Melon Mold, Tin Lined, American,
(Circa 1920s)
Solid copper dipper, hand wrought, with iron handle, American,
late 1800s
2 Jelly molds, fleur de lis pattern, tin lined, American, early 1900s
Dove tail jug, hand wrought, solid copper, American, early to mid-1800s,
Copper washed ewer, scalloped body, Victorian, American
Large jelly mold, solid copper sunburst pattern, German, late-1800s
Jelly mold, fruit basket pattern, American, tin lined, early 1900s
Small jelly mold, pineapple, American, early 1900s Mini melon mold, American, tin lined, early 1900s
Set of 3 mini copper ports, tin lined, German, marked with a crown and SKULTUNA 007 Jubeleumsutstallingen, Gotteborg 1923
Mini small pot, tin lined brass handle, marked Villedefi
Covered round box, heavily carved with birds, trees and flowers, solid copper, marked China, early 1900s
Solid copper ladle, hand wrought, copper handle with carvings of
flowers, American, 1870s to 1890s
Loving cup with 2 handles, solid copper, hand made, late 1800s, American
Oil can, hand made from a copper pipe, handle and
spigot added, early 1900s, American
Small round planter, brass claw feet and handles, hand wrought, American, early 1900s
Waste pan and brush, solid copper, brush is horsehair with copper handle cover, Victorian, molded, American
Sun plate, small, solid copper, heavily carved with scalloped edge, hand made, marked Mexico JGGZ,
signed by artist, early 1900s
Covered oblong serving dish with silver lining, brass feet, filial
and fish handles, very ornate 1920s, American
Pitcher and 4 matching mugs, pitches is solid copper, mugs are brass lined, brass handles and ornate sun symbols
on each piece, Mexican, late 1800s
Milk can, solid copper with iron handle, hand wrought, American, late 1800s
Pitcher, solid copper with cover and brass handled and top filial, heavy carving, bulbous scallops on bottom,
appears to be hand wrought and carved, American, late 1800s
Footed flat solid copper dish with scalloped edge and coat of arms
(dog, eagle and shield with star and feathers)
and marked Por La Razon O La Fuerza below the shield, marked Hecho Mano Chili on the back, late 1800s
Small covered box shaped like a Viking style bucket, solid copper with
brass top and handle, German, marked WMFG
with a bird in a triangle, late 1800s
Covered bulbous base syrup pitcher, solid copper, American, late 1800s
Funnel with plunger, solid copper, 6 inch, early 1900s, American
Plate, solid copper, hand wrought, 15 inch diameter, artist mark, early 1900s
Kettle, solid copper hand wrought, dovetail construction, late
3 small solid copper molds, 6 inch diameter; church, fruit, wine
barrels, American, 1920s Turkish coffee pot
and stand, solid copper, hand wrought, highly ornate carving, 6 inches high, 1920s
Jelly mold, tin and copper, flower design, Victorian
Tea pot and creamer, solid copper, brass carved handles, spout,
filial top and base, brass medallion decoration
with cow and person, looks Mexican, Artist signed, early 1900s
Syrup pitcher, solid copper, swirl design, brass handle and
filial, hand wrought, early 1900s
Coffee pot and warming stand, square design art deco, American,
brass handle and stand holders
167. Tea kettle on ornate heating stand with fuel holder and cover, tin lined, marked S & C trademark, Victorian
Espresso pot, 3 piece, tin lined, 1950s, American
Coffee pot, tin lined hand hammered, very long feet and hands,
mid 1900s
Pitcher, solid copper, bulbous base with applied handle, hand
wrought, late 1800s
Tall Vase, hand made, artist signed made in Belgium, dated 3/47
4 piece art deco coffee set with tray, brass feet and handle with pewter spout, tin lined, marked
made in Sweden OH Lagersted Eskelstuna, 1920s
Cow horn, solid copper, 30 inches, American, early 1900s
Milk can, marked E. W. Allen, 1950s
Jardinière, solid copper, ornate carving, hand wrought, brass handles, 1930s
176. Funnel with plunger, early 1900s, American
2 fish molds, tin lined, 12 inches, 1930s
Pointed pan with long handle, hand wrought, dove tail construction, carved handle, 1890s
Large rose bowl, copper washed, hand carved, 1890s
Small round fry pan with brass handle, scorpion design, European, 1930s-40s
Copper wall sconce with candle holder in front of shell shaped
reflector, hand wrought, 1940s
Childs tea pot, solid copper, brass spout and handle, snake
head spout, Victorian
Dariol mold, small, tin lined, flower/tree design, American, 1930s
Hand held nut cracker, copper wash over cast iron, ornately
decorated, Victorian
4 small round copper molds, tin lined, 2 miniature, and 2
ramekin size, 1950s
Middle eastern hand wrought covered dish; brass handles; hand
carved ornate design; tin lined; garden scene,
circa early 1900s
Hand wrought copper washed dish; copper over heavy tin; artist
signed; shaped like a tent top, circa early 1900s
American round mold, daisy pattern. 6 ½ inches in diameter, tin lined with hanger 1930s
American round mold, fruit pattern. 7 ½ inches in diameter, tin
lined with hanger 1930s
2 English mini jelly dome molds; oblong shape 2 1/2 inches long,
tin lined, late 1800s
Solid copper large pitcher; marked made in England JS&S, copper
flower (tulip) design carved, 8 ½ inches high, 1920s
Covered solid pitcher, 10 inches high, very heavy tankard style,
coat of arms carving on the front, rounded
applied handle with brass end, mid-1800s, English
Tin lined bundt cake mold, 8 inches in diameter, wheat design at
border, early 1900s
Footed ebleskiver pan, 9 inches in diameter with long handle and
wooden turned handle top, 3 copper legs,
hand wrought, tin lined, American, late 1800s
Tin lined Middle eastern covered humidor, hand carved, flower
pattern, early 1900s
Solid copper utensils: arts and craft period, skimmer, spatula,
oblong dipper, ladle, meat fork, mixing spoon,
small ladle
2 copper and brass cream pitchers, marked made in Belgium, hand
wrought, early 1900s
Copper oblong jelly mold, ruffled edge, corn design, 6 inches in
Copper oblong jelly mold, ruffled edge, cherry and leaf design, 4
inches in long
Round hand wrought plate with scalloped edge, daisies on border,
signed Georgian Copper, marked solid copper,
13 inches in diameter, 1930s
Fruit and flower mold, heavy copper, oval, 10 inches by 8 inches,
tin lined , Victorian
Copper and pewter hunting horn, hand carved pewter decoration,
copper chain, early 1900s
Hand made copper pitcher, 9 inches tall, marked with 4 H and Co.
and a 2, European, early 1900s
204. Tea samovar, 15 inches tall, bamboo and wood covered handles, fleurs de lis stamped in base, , round ball feet,
working spigot, mid 1800s, candle opening and heat vent at bottom, unmarked
205. Stewing pot, solid copper, hand wrought, 7 inches in diameter,
brass handle in the shape of a snake with a
head at one end, made for open hearth cooking, mid 1800s
206. Lidded steamed pudding mold, tin lines, tube design, 5 inches in
diameter, late 1800s
207. Copper and brass round cigar ashtray, brass base and feet, brass cigar rests and round match holder in middle,
5 inches in diameter, mid-1800s
208. Jug, 5 inches tall, fruit and flower design, hand made, marked
Branti Villedieu, early 1900s
209. Brass and copper hunting horn shaped like a dragon, lots of hand
carving, horn is copper; head, middle and end are
brass, tongue is copper, 20 inches long, far eastern, late 1800s-early 1900s
210. Humidor, brass base and top handle, 10 inches tall, 5 ½ inches at the skirt base, lots of hand carving leaves
and flowers, covered, cone tin lining, late 1800s
211. Solid copper ice cream mold, 6 ½ inches long, copper hanger, hand
made American, melon like bubble shaped top
212. Solid copper covered jelly dish, footed reticulated, oval shape,
lidded with hinge (probably was silver plated
at once time) early 1900s, 4 ½ inches wide
213. Round baking pan, 13 inches wide, hand hammered, Viking ship pattern, rolled rim, brass hanging handles & rivets,
mid-late 1800s
214. 2 baking molds, 4 ½ inches wide, scalloped edge, tin lined 1940-50s brass hangers, one with goose and 1 with a cow,
215. Set of 3 solid copper hand hammered pitchers. One at 13 inches X 7 one at 11 X 6, and one at 8 X 5; American, early 1900s
216. Very heavy sugar scoop, solid copper, 11inches in diameter & 19
inches long, solid wood handle screwed over iron, early 1900s
217. Solid copper long handled sieve, 7 ¾ inches in diameter, 10 inch
long black painted iron handle, handled hand riveted on,
early 1900s
218. Miniature tin lined cream and sugar, 2 inches in diameter, with
pewter handles, early 1900s
219. Solid copper miniature jar, 2 inches tall, mid-1950s
210. Tin lined scalloped design mold with copper handle, 2 ¾ inches in
diameter, mid 1900s
211. Tin lined scalloped design mold with copper handle, 1 ¾ inches in diameter, mid 1900s
212. Hand wrought fine mesh round strainer, primitive, 7 inches in diameter, copper sides with mesh strainer bottom, early 1800s
213. Hand made wood handled pitcher, 6 ½ inches high, late 1800s
214. Melon steamed pudding mold, hanging loop on bottom, late 1800s
215. Hand made tin lined copper fish sauté pan with fish mold, 10 inches long with 12 inch handle, copper nails, late 1800s
216. Square trout mold, tin lines with brass hangers on each side, new
217. Chalice/loving cup/trophy with pewter trim and handles marked Manning Bowman & Co. 452, early 1900s
Turkish copper washed canteen, chain handle, carved leaf design,
early 1900s
219. 3 copper miniatures, oil can, copper and brass wash tub, copper &
brass pitcher
220. Ornate hand carved ink well, marked China, carved garden scene,
early 1900s
221. Large Scandinavian design copper and brass drinking stein, 1 liter size, with brass tulip design and handles
Very large hand wrought solid copper dovetail mug with heavy and
ornate molded brass handle, 8 inches in diameter, American,
Copper curved stomach/back warmer with a water drain and belt holders,
12 inches long, holds warm water, mid-1800s
Copper funnel with a black wooden handle, 3 ½ inches in diameter and
4 ½ high, early 1900s
225. Mini dariole mold 2 inches in diameter, American 1920s
226. Round copper jelly mold, French or English, lady finger design,
2¾ inches high and 4 ½ inches in diameter
227. Large copper mold, tin lined, 12 ½ inches wide and 2 ½ inches deep, 1950s
228. Solid copper plate/wall hanging, stamped on mold, design is a
Welsh woman in traditional clothes spinning in the garden
with a chair, tree, wheat and roses, scroll design on border, from
Wales, early 1900s
229. Solid copper plate/wall hanging, stamped on mold, design is a
German woman and kitchen scene with woman sewing and pots,
fireplace, cat, boy, clock with Roman numerals with an open
window showing a castle like under the walls in
Germany, 1960s
Solid copper tray, 14 ½ inches, hand carved, tree design in the middle, Middle Eastern, 1900s
Mini solid copper colander, maybe a childs, American, 1900s
232. Large solid copper tea strainer with a long handle, shaped like a flower,5 inches in diameter, 9 inch handle, hand carved,
looks hand made, early 1900s
233. Copper headed prayer stick, opens up to hold prayers and inside is a rolled up paper with Middle Eastern words, on a wooden
handle with copper rings, very ornately carved, looks Buddhist
234. Solid copper large door handle like from a large office building
door, art deco, 1930s
235. Large hand wrought solid copper tankard, 8 inches in diameter and
8 inches high, rolled lip and applied handle, late 1800s
236. Copper 7 hole candelabra, hand wrought, arts & crafts era, American, 1920s
237. Large copper jug, 2 gallon capacity, hand wrought, pouring spout,
8 ½ inches in diameter and 9 inches high, dove tailed and
applied handle, late 1800s
238. Solid copper jug, American, hand made, 11 inches high, late 1800s
239. Hand wrought dove tailed solid copper pitcher with ruffled top and
solid brass carved handle, 9 inches tall, late 1800s
240. Large copper, brass & pewter pitcher, hand carved handle of a
dragon (pewter body and brass head, tails and legs), dragon
spout (pewter body & brass head) and brass decoration of dragons and dancers and pewter carved trim on the base and neck,
Asian, late 1800s
241. Hand made copper and brass candlesticks with brass the border on
base, around stem and on the candle holders, American, early
242. Victorian copper and pewter creamer, pewter handle, late 1800s
243. Victorian copper and brass covered ice cream bombe mold (or pudding
mold), tin-lined, hand wrought, brass footed base, copper smiths
initials on the bottom (GAH), late 1800s
244. Pounded copper and brass creamer, hand wrought, marked 137 Dienderie
Biettlot, brass handle and flower trim on neck and base, French,
late 1800s
245. Solid copper & brass cream pitcher, brass flower trim around the
neck, hand wrought, early 1900s
247. Hand wrought mug, solid pieced copper, American, late 1800s
248. Hand wrought and dovetailed chocolate pot with turned wooden handle, late 1800s
249. Hand wrought solid copper shovel, 34 inches long, square shovel, hand pierced
star and lower design in the shovel, marked VFM Co. BF, VT., late 1800s
250. Large pumpkin cake mold, tin lined, 8 ½ inches in diameter, hanger ring and
rolled edge, American 1920s
251. Small hand hammered pot, tin lined, 4 ½ inches wide, 3 inches high
252. Small pitcher with flower design, solid copper, 5 inches, American 1930s
253. Large tankard with lid, brass base, handle, ring around lid, & lid hinge,
early 1930s, Art Deco, American
254. Large solid copper scoop with turned wooden handle, brass handle base and
flower design, 4 inches long, late 1800s, American
255. 3 small molds, all nid-20th century: cherry mold, 4 inches, Eagle head & crown
on a shield, marked SKANE, Scandinavian; onion design 2 inches tin lined
256. Oblong copper mold, tin lined, coffee grinder & pot pattern, 12 inches long x 8
inches wide, early 1900s
257. Round heavy copper mold, double fish pattern, 11 inches diameter, tin lined, 1920s
258. Oblong copper mold, Ram design, tin lined 8 inches x7 inches, early 1900s
259. Deep copper cake mold, solid copper, 8 inches diameter x 4 ½ inches deep, grape and grape leaves design, early 1900s
260. Copper mold, marked 183, Cross on a globe, tin lined, English or French, 4 inches tall,
late 1800s
261. Copper and wood double handled container/mug, handmade, wooden slats fitted to rounded
shape and held together with copper
bands, 8 ½ inches tall, mid-20th century
262. Solid copper vase, 10 ½ inches tall, hand made, stamped Morocco on the base, early 20th century
263. Copper mug, Tin lined, hand wrought, 7 inches tall x 5 ½ inches in diameter, some dovetailing,
late 1800s
264. Copper Tea/Coffee set, English, tin lined with brass band decoration, coffee pot, tea pot,
creamer & covered sugar & tray, late 1800s
265. Copper plate, 7 ½ inches, copper on tin, hand carved, medieval country scene, heavily
carved, mid-eastern, late 1800s
266. Copper egg stand, copper over cast iron, English holds 7 eggs, decorated with chicken on handle and duck and flowers on egg
holder, early 20th century
267. Copper bowl, 7 inches diameter, marked BELDRAY, English, leaf pattern on side of bowl, early 20th century
268. Set of 4 spirit measures, copper with tin lining, ,marked whiskey, rum & brandy, long brass handles, early 20th century,
269. Copper & wrought iron candlestick, 7 inches tall, hand wrought iron three legged base and
curling decoration with copper
candle holder and drip pan, 20th century
- Hand wrought mug,
solid pieced copper, American, late 1800s
- Large pumpkin cake
mold, tin lined, 8 ½ inches in diameter, hanger ring and rolled edge,
American 1920s
- Small hand hammered
pot, tin lined, 4 ½ inches wide, 3 inches high
- Small pitcher with
flower design, solid copper, 5 inches, American 1930s
- Large tankard with
lid, brass base, handle, ring around lid, & lid hinge, early 1930s, Art
Deco, American
- Large solid copper
scoop with turned wooden handle, brass handle base and flower design, 14
inches long, late 1800s, American
- 3 small molds, all
nid-20th century: cherry mold, 4 inches, Eagle head & crown on
a shield, marked SKANE, Scandinavian; onion design 2 inches tin lined
- 3 small molds, all
nid-20th Large copper ladle, 18
inches long and 9 inches in diameter (bowl), hand wrought, steel handle,
late 1800s
Copper bowl with
handle, dove tail skirted base, English, coat of arms on the front, rolled
handle and rolled top border, late 1800s
Tea pot, pieced copper
soldered together , tin lined, oval shaped with an oval pieced top & lid
with curled decoration on the lid, handle has a roll edge, European
Skimmer, hand wrought
& hand stamped holes, 17 ½ inches long and 8 inches wide, heavy solid
copper with open heart shape on top of handle, late 1800s
Round savarin mold, 7
½ inches in diameter, fruit pattern tin lined, stamped and molded, brass
hanger, 1920s
Copper repousse art
plaque, 18th century boat and dock scene, very ornate, hand
made, amazing detail, oval shaped, late 1800s/early 1900s
Covered pitcher,
hand wrought, dove tail construction, European coat of arms on front, tin
lined, 8 inches high, brass handle of lid, European, late 19th
centuryLiquid Measure,
3 ½ inches high, long handle, hand wrought, Arabic letters, coppersmith’s
stamp with Arabic lettering, could be Iranian or Pakistani, tin lined,
early 20th century
Oval melon
shaped food mold, 10 x 8, tin lined, partial stamp with German words & a
W, “Rein Kupfer” – Christian…(means genuine copper in German), late 1800s
Large food mold,
14 x 20, tin lined, fruit design & lady finger scalloped sides, marked
made in Italy, 20th century
Large mold 14 x
20, tin lined, fruit & corn around an indent design & lady finger
scalloped sides, 20th century
Round mold,
chicken design, tin lined, scalloped sides, 20th century
Round mold,
fruit design, tin lined, scalloped sides, 20th century
Small fish mold,
made in Portugal, marked U*M, 20th centuryTea pot and candle warmer stand, 3 cup tea pot with brass top, spout
and handle which also has webbing. Warmer is brass with a copper top
with a star, circle and triangle decoration cut outs, Marked with an M
and made in Holland. Pot is tin lined. 1940s Water or tea pot, solid copper, hand wrought, in the shape of a
chicken with hand carved wings on the side. Brass handle in the shape
of a feathered tail, & brass spout as ornate chicken neck and head. New
Pakistani handicraft, purchased in Islamabad in 7/2009
Copper plaque, round 12 inches, daisy, poppy and morning glory
design, signed by artist, A Glues
Heart Mold With Floral
Pattern And Scrolled Edges, Tin Lined, Sweden, 9 Inches X 8 Inches,
Conical Brandy Warmer And
Pourer, Hand Forged, Brass Handle, Stamped And Pieced, Late 1800s
Round Spice Box , Hand
Carved Contains 4 Spice Containers And Inside Lid, Late 1800s Heavy
Carving, Floral Design, Middle East/Asia, Purchased In Dhaka, Bangladesh
In 2010, Brass Handle And Latch Lock
Car Oil Funnel, Handmade,
Early 20th Century
Copper Strainer/Skimmer,
Hand Wrought, 16 Inch Cast Iron Curved Handle And 4 Inch Copper
Ladle/Skimmer, Hand Punched, Mid-1800s
Copper Miniatures: And
English Kettle Marked Peetage, 2 ½ Inches In Diameter With A Brass
Handle, Mid 1940s
Copper Miniature Water
Vessel, 4 ½ Inches High, Hammered Finish, Curved Hand Applied Handle,
Middle Eastern, Early 1900s
Copper Desk Tray, Hand
Hammered, 4 X 11 Inches, Arts & Crafts Period, Indent In Center To Hold
Pens, Ink Bottle Etc, Handles & Decoration Hand Cut Out Of Each End,
Lidded Pan,
Hand Wrought, Lid Has A Carved Flower And Handle, Tin Lined, 7 Inches In
Diameter, Late 1800s
Mold With Large Fly, Heavy
10 Inches In Diameter, Tin Lined With Molded And Doled Edge,
Hand Wrought, Late 1800s
9 Inch Oval Mold With Scorpion Pattern, Tin Lined, Early
Small Pot, Hand Wrought, Dove Tail Bottom And Sides, Hand
Carved Brass Trim On Sides And Handle, Middle Eastern, Late 1800s
10 Inch Copper And Brass Plate, Heavy With Roman Caesar Head
With The Forum Of The Twelve Caesars And 2 Flowers, 20th Century
Hand wrought
copper ladle, 22 inches long, round canister-like ladle, marked 1880 with an
M in an oval and the artist’s name, hand carved handle all copper with brass
triangle plate on the front with the markings. Copper hand wrought nails
and dovetailed.
Hand wrought
copper ladle, heavy, 18 inches long with 5 inch bowl, both the handle and
the bowl are copper with handmade copper rivets holding the two together,
American, 19th century.
Tall pitcher, tankard
style with wide bottom and very narrow spout, 12 inches tall and 5 inches
wide bottom, solid copper with brass handle with carved X’s and dots for
decoration, hand wrought, 19th century
Small escargot pan, square with 4
hammered holes for the escargot, on brass animal feet, iron round handle
with hanger hole, 6 inch square, hand wrought, 19th century
handmade, soldered and punched, punched star design in the bottom, pieced
copper, pounded in small dots ”Nice but full of holes”, circa 1890s 
Set of 4 copper
dry measures, tin lined with tin finger handles, marked, 1 cup, ¾ cup, ½ cup
and ¼ cup, on bottom, cylindrical, early 20th century

Copper Posnet
for hearth cooking, hand wrought, dove tailed, bottom has 3 feet for hearth
cooking, long handle for hanging 
March 24, 2018